NaNoWriMo 2022 is coming! Yes, November is National Novel Writing Month and I’m participating again. This year, I’m writing a middle-grade fantasy called THE HAUNTED CAROUSEL. It’s part of the Brass Ring Series, which includes THE MAGIC CAROUSEL (formerly Rust Boy and the Brass Ring) and THE CHRISTMAS CAROUSEL. The goal for NaNoWriMo is to […]
Tag: Writing Technique
NaNoWriMo Prep – Word Count
Final topic in my NaNoWriMo Prep series is WORD COUNT. Before we jump into that topic, I encourage you to read 4 Tips for Surviving NaNoWriMo by my wonderful writing buddy, Shy Olafsson. NaNoWriMo Word Count Goal The goal of National Novel Writing Month is to write 50,000 words in the month of November. Depending […]

NaNoWriMo Prep – Plot
My NaNoWriMo Prep includes spending time defining the plot and the sequence of events for a writing project. Plotter or Pantser? I’m a confirmed plotter. Some individuals write by “the seat of their pants” and are called pantsers. That’s very spontaneous, if you can do it. I need the roadmap a detailed plot provides. The […]
NaNoWriMo Prep – The Idea
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) prep begins with THE IDEA. Yes, the idea or concept of a story is the starting point. The official NaNoWriMo site has information on developing ideas. Some authors do not like sharing their ideas while working on a story, for fear of losing excitement and energy for the project, or […]

SCBWI Summer Spectacular
Attending the SCBWI Summer Spectacular (SCBWI’s first virtual conference), earned a spot on my list of highlights for 2020. During any normal year, the SCBWI would have held its annual summer conference in Los Angeles, and I would not have attended because of the cost and distance. About 1,200 people typically attend the summer conference. […]