It’s time for my National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) final results. That’s right, the month of November is over and so is the goal of writing 50,000 words on POISON PEN FRIENDS. I’m pleased to report that I was able to complete 50,225 words in November. Since I actually started in October, the total word […]
Tag: General

Value the Poets
I value the poets of my life. They are a special treasure. Each possessing a unique ability to see the world or a leaf, and capture it in a minimal number of words, while sharing some deeper meaning. I am not a poet. I did write some verse while I was in high school, serving […]
Writer’s Whimsy A to Z
Adjectives provide details, just don’t overuse. Books are powered by a strong, creative muse. Commas, colons, clauses—oh my! Dangling participles don’t try. Ellipsis is shown by dots of three. First person calls for I and me. Gerund is a verb with an “ing” end. Hero or protagonist is my friend. Inspiration can fleeting be. Journal […]
Another Adventure!
Welcome! My first blog is another adventure in a life that continues to amaze me. I never dreamed of one day having my own Web site. Join me on this crazy adventure of venturing into cyber space with my wandering words and stories. My first stories were written in longhand on pieces of loose leaf […]